Kya Matlab Batao Laga and Ma Xiaoyi, “Warnings in response to reports of’shrill murder’ in Xinjiang Xiaocon” LINGZING: January 10, 2014 Husang Mu (Taiwan): Chinese investigators have discovered 15 dead, an unprecedented number in China due to the sharp rise of political corruption in the country. These are localities including Taipei, Dongguan, Shanxi, Yunnan, and Ningbo. The death toll has risen to 19 dead, six more than China’s average of 15 deaths per year. BEIJING: January 8, 2014 An investigation in Guiyang, China, started by Chinese scholars of university in Guiyang, found 30 illegal, unexplained, and unexplained murders. The most common suspect was an elderly woman, as suspected at most due to drug use. Among the crimes allegedly committed was murder with intent. THE BATAO LANE: January 6, 2014 A Chinese probe into the whereabouts and arrests of members of the Guiyang police team were launched today. The probe is led by local officials in Guiyang’s “most dangerous city” of Gansu. Guiyang Vice Mayor Jieyang Lizheng was among a news media team with other officials. There was no involvement of Guiyang police. The probe involves conducting more than 60 raids in both Guangdong and Dongguan which are taking place.